




The six of them work together as one Pokémon. Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they constantly change their formation as they fight.

Types Fighting
Base Experience 165
Base Happiness 50/255
Growth Rate medium_fast
Level Range In Wild 15-40
Gender Ratio Genderless

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Psychic Icon agility machine N/A
Dark Icon assurance machine N/A
Dark Icon beatup machine N/A
Fighting Icon bodypress machine N/A
Normal Icon bodyslam machine N/A
Fighting Icon brickbreak machine N/A
Fighting Icon bulkup machine N/A
Fighting Icon bulkup level-up 20
Fighting Icon closecombat machine N/A
Fighting Icon closecombat level-up 50
Fighting Icon counter level-up 60
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Normal Icon endure level-up 25
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Normal Icon falseswipe machine N/A
Bug Icon firstimpression level-up 35
Fighting Icon focusblast machine N/A
Normal Icon focusenergy level-up 10
Normal Icon focusenergy machine N/A
Normal Icon gigaimpact machine N/A
Normal Icon headbutt level-up 15
Normal Icon helpinghand machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam machine N/A
Steel Icon irondefense machine N/A
Steel Icon irondefense level-up 45
Steel Icon ironhead machine N/A
Bug Icon megahorn level-up 55
Bug Icon megahorn machine N/A
Fighting Icon noretreat level-up 40
Dark Icon payback machine N/A
Poison Icon poisonjab machine N/A
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Normal Icon protect level-up 1
Water Icon raindance machine N/A
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon retaliate machine N/A
Fighting Icon revenge machine N/A
Fighting Icon reversal machine N/A
Fighting Icon reversal level-up 30
Rock Icon rockslide machine N/A
Fighting Icon rocksmash level-up 5
Rock Icon rocktomb machine N/A
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Normal Icon screech machine N/A
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Steel Icon smartstrike machine N/A
Normal Icon snore machine N/A
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Fire Icon sunnyday machine N/A
Fighting Icon superpower machine N/A
Normal Icon swordsdance machine N/A
Normal Icon tackle level-up 1
Normal Icon takedown machine N/A
Normal Icon terablast machine N/A
Dark Icon throatchop machine N/A
Grass Icon trailblaze machine N/A
Psychic Icon zenheadbutt machine N/A


HP: 65
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Sp. Atk: 70
Sp. Def: 60
Speed: 75
Total: 470

Spawn Rules

Biome Brightness Location Rarity
animal+savanna 0-7 land ultra-rare
mesa 0-7 land ultra-rare

Loot Drop Entries

Drop Chance Count
minecraft:brick 52% 1-2
pokeb:pokemail_brick 26% 1-2
minecraft:shield 15% 1
pokeb:rocky_helmet 5% 1


Slot 1: Battle Armor
Hidden: Defiant

Ev Yield

HP: 0
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 0
Sp. Def: 1
Speed: 0
Total: 3