




It is the heavenly fount from which pours the light that shines across Hisui. Its luminance guides and protects all Pokémon. Hisuian mythology states that Arceus is the creator of all things.

Types Flying
Base Experience 324
Base Happiness 0/255
Growth Rate slow
Level Range In Wild 70
Gender Ratio Genderless

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Poison Icon acidspray machine N/A
Flying Icon aerialace machine N/A
Psychic Icon agility machine N/A
Flying Icon airslash machine N/A
Fighting Icon aurasphere machine N/A
Ice Icon avalanche machine N/A
Ice Icon blizzard machine N/A
Fighting Icon bodypress machine N/A
Normal Icon bodyslam machine N/A
Fighting Icon brickbreak machine N/A
Water Icon brine machine N/A
Bug Icon bugbuzz machine N/A
Fighting Icon bulkup machine N/A
Ground Icon bulldoze machine N/A
Grass Icon bulletseed machine N/A
Psychic Icon calmmind machine N/A
Electric Icon chargebeam machine N/A
Water Icon chillingwater machine N/A
Normal Icon confide machine N/A
Ghost Icon confuseray machine N/A
Psychic Icon cosmicpower level-up 1
Normal Icon cut machine N/A
Dark Icon darkpulse machine N/A
Fairy Icon dazzlinggleam machine N/A
Flying Icon defog machine N/A
Water Icon dive machine N/A
Normal Icon doubleedge machine N/A
Normal Icon doubleteam machine N/A
Dragon Icon dracometeor machine N/A
Dragon Icon dragonclaw machine N/A
Dragon Icon dragondance machine N/A
Dragon Icon dragonpulse machine N/A
Dragon Icon dragontail machine N/A
Psychic Icon dreameater machine N/A
Ground Icon earthpower machine N/A
Ground Icon earthpower level-up 20
Ground Icon earthquake machine N/A
Normal Icon echoedvoice machine N/A
Electric Icon electricterrain machine N/A
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Grass Icon energyball machine N/A
Normal Icon extremespeed level-up 40
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Fire Icon fireblast machine N/A
Fire Icon flamethrower machine N/A
Fire Icon flareblitz machine N/A
Normal Icon flash machine N/A
Steel Icon flashcannon machine N/A
Flying Icon fly machine N/A
Fighting Icon focusblast machine N/A
Dark Icon foulplay machine N/A
Normal Icon frustration machine N/A
Psychic Icon futuresight machine N/A
Psychic Icon futuresight level-up 60
Grass Icon gigadrain machine N/A
Normal Icon gigaimpact machine N/A
Grass Icon grassknot machine N/A
Grass Icon grassyterrain machine N/A
Psychic Icon gravity machine N/A
Psychic Icon gravity level-up 10
Poison Icon gunkshot machine N/A
Ice Icon hail machine N/A
Psychic Icon healingwish level-up 50
Fire Icon heatwave machine N/A
Steel Icon heavyslam machine N/A
Ghost Icon hex machine N/A
Normal Icon hiddenpower machine N/A
Dark Icon honeclaws machine N/A
Flying Icon hurricane machine N/A
Water Icon hydropump machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam level-up 80
Normal Icon hypervoice machine N/A
Normal Icon hypervoice level-up 30
Ice Icon icebeam machine N/A
Ice Icon icywind machine N/A
Psychic Icon imprison machine N/A
Fire Icon incinerate machine N/A
Steel Icon irondefense machine N/A
Steel Icon ironhead machine N/A
Steel Icon irontail machine N/A
Normal Icon judgment level-up 100
Psychic Icon lightscreen machine N/A
Water Icon liquidation machine N/A
Grass Icon magicalleaf machine N/A
Rock Icon meteorbeam machine N/A
Fairy Icon mistyterrain machine N/A
Normal Icon naturalgift level-up 1
Normal Icon naturalgift machine N/A
Dragon Icon outrage machine N/A
Fire Icon overheat machine N/A
Dark Icon payback machine N/A
Normal Icon perishsong level-up 90
Ghost Icon phantomforce machine N/A
Poison Icon poisonjab machine N/A
Rock Icon powergem machine N/A
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Psychic Icon psychic machine N/A
Psychic Icon psychicterrain machine N/A
Normal Icon psychup machine N/A
Psychic Icon psyshock machine N/A
Dark Icon punishment level-up 1
Dark Icon quash machine N/A
Water Icon raindance machine N/A
Normal Icon recover level-up 70
Normal Icon recycle machine N/A
Psychic Icon reflect machine N/A
Normal Icon refresh level-up 50
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon retaliate machine N/A
Normal Icon return machine N/A
Normal Icon roar machine N/A
Normal Icon rockclimb machine N/A
Rock Icon rockslide machine N/A
Fighting Icon rocksmash machine N/A
Rock Icon rocktomb machine N/A
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Normal Icon safeguard machine N/A
Rock Icon sandstorm machine N/A
Normal Icon scaryface machine N/A
Ground Icon scorchingsands machine N/A
Normal Icon secretpower machine N/A
Fighting Icon seismictoss level-up 1
Ghost Icon shadowball machine N/A
Ghost Icon shadowclaw machine N/A
Electric Icon shockwave machine N/A
Bug Icon silverwind machine N/A
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Poison Icon sludgebomb machine N/A
Dark Icon snarl machine N/A
Grass Icon solarbeam machine N/A
Rock Icon stealthrock machine N/A
Steel Icon steelbeam machine N/A
Ground Icon stompingtantrum machine N/A
Rock Icon stoneedge machine N/A
Psychic Icon storedpower machine N/A
Normal Icon strength machine N/A
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Fire Icon sunnyday machine N/A
Electric Icon supercellslam machine N/A
Water Icon surf machine N/A
Normal Icon swagger machine N/A
Normal Icon swift machine N/A
Normal Icon swordsdance machine N/A
Flying Icon tailwind machine N/A
Normal Icon takedown machine N/A
Dark Icon taunt machine N/A
Psychic Icon telekinesis machine N/A
Normal Icon terablast machine N/A
Electric Icon thunder machine N/A
Electric Icon thunderbolt machine N/A
Electric Icon thunderwave machine N/A
Poison Icon toxic machine N/A
Grass Icon trailblaze machine N/A
Psychic Icon trick machine N/A
Psychic Icon trickroom machine N/A
Water Icon waterfall machine N/A
Water Icon waterpulse machine N/A
Water Icon whirlpool machine N/A
Electric Icon wildcharge machine N/A
Fire Icon willowisp machine N/A
Normal Icon workup machine N/A
Bug Icon xscissor machine N/A
Psychic Icon zenheadbutt machine N/A


HP: 120
Attack: 120
Defense: 120
Sp. Atk: 120
Sp. Def: 120
Speed: 120
Total: 720

Spawn Rules

Loot Drop Entries


Slot 1: Multitype

Ev Yield

HP: 3
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 0
Sp. Def: 0
Speed: 0
Total: 3