




It has three poisonous stingers on its forelegs and its tail. They are used to jab its enemy repeatedly.

Types Bug, Poison
Base Experience 178
Base Happiness 70/255
Growth Rate medium_fast
Level Range In Wild 70
Gender Ratio Male: 0

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Flying Icon acrobatics machine N/A
Flying Icon aerialace machine N/A
Psychic Icon agility level-up 38
Dark Icon assurance level-up 26
Normal Icon attract machine N/A
Fighting Icon brickbreak machine N/A
Dark Icon brutalswing machine N/A
Normal Icon captivate machine N/A
Normal Icon confide machine N/A
Normal Icon cut machine N/A
Flying Icon defog machine N/A
Normal Icon doubleteam machine N/A
Normal Icon endeavor level-up 41
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Normal Icon falseswipe machine N/A
Bug Icon fellstinger level-up 44
Normal Icon flash machine N/A
Normal Icon focusenergy level-up 20
Normal Icon frustration machine N/A
Normal Icon furyattack level-up 1
Grass Icon gigadrain machine N/A
Normal Icon gigaimpact machine N/A
Normal Icon hiddenpower machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam machine N/A
Bug Icon infestation machine N/A
Normal Icon naturalgift machine N/A
Dark Icon payback machine N/A
Bug Icon pinmissile level-up 32
Poison Icon poisonjab machine N/A
Poison Icon poisonjab level-up 35
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Dark Icon pursuit level-up 17
Normal Icon rage level-up 14
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon return machine N/A
Fighting Icon rocksmash machine N/A
Flying Icon roost machine N/A
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Normal Icon secretpower machine N/A
Bug Icon silverwind machine N/A
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Poison Icon sludgebomb machine N/A
Grass Icon solarbeam machine N/A
Bug Icon strugglebug machine N/A
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Fire Icon sunnyday machine N/A
Normal Icon swagger machine N/A
Normal Icon swordsdance machine N/A
Dark Icon thief machine N/A
Poison Icon toxic machine N/A
Poison Icon toxicspikes level-up 29
Bug Icon twineedle level-up 1
Bug Icon uturn machine N/A
Poison Icon venoshock machine N/A
Poison Icon venoshock level-up 23
Bug Icon xscissor machine N/A


HP: 65
Attack: 150
Defense: 40
Sp. Atk: 15
Sp. Def: 80
Speed: 145
Total: 495

Spawn Rules

Biome Brightness Location Rarity
forest land ultra-rare
flower_forest land ultra-rare
animal+jungle land ultra-rare

Loot Drop Entries


Slot 1: Adaptability

Ev Yield

HP: 0
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 0
Sp. Def: 1
Speed: 0
Total: 3