




Mudsdale has so much stamina that it could carry over 10 tons across the Galar region without rest or sleep.

Types Ground
Base Experience 175
Base Happiness 50/255
Growth Rate medium_fast
Level Range In Wild 30-50
Gender Ratio Male: 0

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Normal Icon attract machine N/A
Normal Icon bide level-up 22
Fighting Icon bodypress machine N/A
Normal Icon bodyslam machine N/A
Ground Icon bulldoze machine N/A
Ground Icon bulldoze level-up 12
Fighting Icon closecombat machine N/A
Normal Icon confide machine N/A
Fighting Icon counter level-up 24
Fighting Icon doublekick level-up 1
Normal Icon doubleteam machine N/A
Ground Icon earthpower machine N/A
Ground Icon earthquake machine N/A
Ground Icon earthquake level-up 40
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Fighting Icon focusblast machine N/A
Normal Icon frustration machine N/A
Normal Icon gigaimpact machine N/A
Steel Icon heavyslam machine N/A
Steel Icon heavyslam level-up 34
Normal Icon hiddenpower machine N/A
Ground Icon highhorsepower level-up 28
Ground Icon highhorsepower machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam machine N/A
Steel Icon irondefense machine N/A
Steel Icon irondefense level-up 1
Steel Icon ironhead machine N/A
Fighting Icon lowkick machine N/A
Fighting Icon lowsweep machine N/A
Normal Icon megakick level-up 46
Normal Icon megakick machine N/A
Ground Icon mudshot machine N/A
Ground Icon mudslap machine N/A
Ground Icon mudslap level-up 1
Ground Icon mudsport level-up 1
Dark Icon payback machine N/A
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon return machine N/A
Fighting Icon revenge machine N/A
Normal Icon roar machine N/A
Rock Icon rockslide machine N/A
Fighting Icon rocksmash level-up 1
Rock Icon rocktomb machine N/A
Ground Icon rototiller level-up 1
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Rock Icon sandstorm machine N/A
Ground Icon sandtomb machine N/A
Normal Icon scaryface machine N/A
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Normal Icon snore machine N/A
Rock Icon stealthrock machine N/A
Normal Icon stomp level-up 16
Ground Icon stompingtantrum machine N/A
Rock Icon stoneedge machine N/A
Normal Icon strength level-up 20
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Fire Icon sunnyday machine N/A
Fighting Icon superpower level-up 52
Fighting Icon superpower machine N/A
Normal Icon swagger machine N/A
Normal Icon takedown machine N/A
Normal Icon terablast machine N/A
Poison Icon toxic machine N/A


HP: 100
Attack: 125
Defense: 100
Sp. Atk: 55
Sp. Def: 85
Speed: 35
Total: 500

Spawn Rules

Biome Brightness Location Rarity
plains 7-15 land ultra-rare
animal+extreme_hills 7-15 land ultra-rare

Loot Drop Entries

Drop Chance Count
minecraft:leather 52% 2-4
minecraft:brown_terracotta 26% 1-3
minecraft:saddle 15% 1
pokeb:ground_gem 5% 1


Slot 1: Own Tempo
Slot 2: Stamina
Hidden: Inner Focus

Ev Yield

HP: 0
Attack: 2
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 0
Sp. Def: 0
Speed: 0
Total: 2