




It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow.

Types Ice, Bug
Base Experience 37
Base Happiness 50/255
Growth Rate medium_fast
Level Range In Wild 10-35
Gender Ratio Male: 0

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Normal Icon attract machine N/A
Bug Icon bugbite egg N/A
Bug Icon bugbuzz machine N/A
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Fairy Icon fairywind egg N/A
Ice Icon iciclespear machine N/A
Ice Icon icywind machine N/A
Psychic Icon mirrorcoat egg N/A
Bug Icon pounce machine N/A
Ice Icon powdersnow level-up 1
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Normal Icon snore machine N/A
Bug Icon strugglebug machine N/A
Bug Icon strugglebug level-up 1
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Normal Icon terablast machine N/A


HP: 30
Attack: 25
Defense: 35
Sp. Atk: 45
Sp. Def: 30
Speed: 20
Total: 185

Spawn Rules

Biome Brightness Location Rarity
animal+taiga+cold+forest land rare

Loot Drop Entries

Drop Chance Count
minecraft:string 66% 1-2
minecraft:snowball 33% 1


Slot 1: Shield Dust
Hidden: Ice Scales

Ev Yield

HP: 0
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 1
Sp. Def: 0
Speed: 0
Total: 1

On Level Up during the night.