




The coat of gleaming golden fur is quite magnificent. This species is said to store sacred power in its nine long tails and to live for a millennium.

Types Ice, Fairy
Base Experience 177
Base Happiness 50/255
Growth Rate medium_fast
Level Range In Wild 70
Gender Ratio Male: 0.25

Learnable Moves

Move Learn Method Level Learned At
Psychic Icon agility machine N/A
Normal Icon attract machine N/A
Ice Icon aurorabeam level-up 1
Ice Icon auroraveil level-up 1
Ice Icon auroraveil machine N/A
Ice Icon avalanche machine N/A
Ice Icon blizzard machine N/A
Ice Icon blizzard level-up 1
Normal Icon bodyslam machine N/A
Psychic Icon calmmind machine N/A
Fairy Icon charm machine N/A
Normal Icon confide machine N/A
Ghost Icon confuseray level-up 1
Dark Icon darkpulse machine N/A
Fairy Icon dazzlinggleam machine N/A
Fairy Icon dazzlinggleam level-up 0
Ground Icon dig machine N/A
Normal Icon disable level-up 1
Normal Icon doubleteam machine N/A
Fairy Icon drainingkiss machine N/A
Psychic Icon dreameater machine N/A
Normal Icon encore machine N/A
Normal Icon endure machine N/A
Psychic Icon extrasensory level-up 1
Normal Icon facade machine N/A
Dark Icon faketears machine N/A
Dark Icon foulplay machine N/A
Ice Icon frostbreath machine N/A
Normal Icon frustration machine N/A
Normal Icon gigaimpact machine N/A
Ghost Icon grudge level-up 1
Ice Icon hail machine N/A
Ghost Icon hex machine N/A
Normal Icon hiddenpower machine N/A
Normal Icon hyperbeam machine N/A
Ice Icon icebeam machine N/A
Ice Icon icebeam level-up 1
Ice Icon iceshard level-up 1
Ice Icon icywind machine N/A
Ice Icon icywind level-up 1
Psychic Icon imprison machine N/A
Psychic Icon imprison level-up 1
Steel Icon irontail machine N/A
Ice Icon mist level-up 1
Fairy Icon mistyterrain machine N/A
Dark Icon nastyplot machine N/A
Dark Icon nastyplot level-up 1
Dark Icon payback machine N/A
Ice Icon powdersnow level-up 1
Psychic Icon powerswap machine N/A
Normal Icon protect machine N/A
Normal Icon psychup machine N/A
Psychic Icon psyshock machine N/A
Water Icon raindance machine N/A
Psychic Icon rest machine N/A
Normal Icon return machine N/A
Normal Icon roar machine N/A
Normal Icon round machine N/A
Normal Icon safeguard machine N/A
Normal Icon safeguard level-up 1
Ice Icon sheercold level-up 1
Normal Icon sleeptalk machine N/A
Normal Icon snore machine N/A
Grass Icon solarbeam machine N/A
Ghost Icon spite level-up 1
Psychic Icon storedpower machine N/A
Normal Icon substitute machine N/A
Normal Icon swagger machine N/A
Normal Icon swift machine N/A
Normal Icon tailslap machine N/A
Normal Icon tailwhip level-up 1
Poison Icon toxic machine N/A
Normal Icon weatherball machine N/A
Psychic Icon wonderroom machine N/A
Psychic Icon zenheadbutt machine N/A


HP: 73
Attack: 67
Defense: 75
Sp. Atk: 81
Sp. Def: 100
Speed: 109
Total: 505

Spawn Rules

Loot Drop Entries


Slot 1: Snow Cloak
Hidden: Snow Warning

Ev Yield

HP: 0
Attack: 0
Defense: 0
Sp. Atk: 0
Sp. Def: 1
Speed: 1
Total: 2